Durga Maata Kee Pooja Vidhi

Durga Maata Kee Pooja Vidhi

( दुर्गा माता की पूजा विधि )

● Maa Durga can also be worshiped on Tuesday. It is said that on this day, the person who worships the mother with complete law, removes all the sorrows of her mother forever. By worshiping Maa Durga devoutly, all kinds of physical and spiritual desires are fulfilled.

● How to worship-

•Among the items required to set up a mother post

● Worship Material –

• Ganges water, roli, molly, paan, betel nut, incense sticks, ghee lamp, fruit, flower garland, bilvapatra, rice, banana pillar, sandalwood, ghat, coconut, mango leaves, turmeric lumps, panchratna, red cloth, Rice-filled pot, barley, betasha, fragrant oil, vermilion, camphor, panch fragrance, naivedya, panchamrut, milk, curd, honey, sugar, cow dung, idol of Durga ji, clothes, jewelery and adornments for Kumari Pujan Etc. are prominent

●Mantra –

•(Sarva Mangal Mangalye Shiva Sarvartha Saadhikhe.)

•(Sharanyetrayambike Gauri Narayani Namostutte )

● Story-

• A king named Surath lived in happiness by handing over his kingdom to the ministers. Later, the enemy attacked his kingdom. The minister also met the enemy. After being defeated King Surath started living in the forest disguised as an ascetic. One day he met a Vaishya named Samathi. He too was residing in the forest like a king. Both Maharishi went to Medha’s ashram. When Maharishi Medha asked the reason for his coming there, he said that although we have come here disdainful of our relatives, but our attachment to them is not broken. Tell us the reason for this-

• Maharishi preached to him that the mind is under power. Adishakti Bhagwati has two forms of learning and avidya. If knowledge is the form of knowledge then avidya is ignorance. Avidya is the mother of love. By considering Bhagwati as the adhikar of the world, the Bhagwati lives of those who do devotion liberate. When the king and the Vaishya named Samadhi requested to know in detail about the Goddess Shakti, Maharishi Medha told that in the course of time, two demons named Madhu and Catabh were born from the ears of Lord Vishnu sleeping on the rest of Shaya in the Ksheer Sea. On the lotus generated by the power of the Virajata, Lord Brahma ran to kill him. Brahmaji praised Yojanidra residing in his eyes to awaken Narayana. As a result, the goddess Yoganidra, the presiding deity of Tamoguna, came out of the eye, mouth, nose, arms, heart and chest of God and presented it to Lord Brahma. Narayan ji woke up. He fought with those demons for five thousand years. Mahamaya had put the mighty demons in a Mohapash. He said to Lord Vishnu that we are satisfied with your valor. Ask for a boon. Narayan ji demanded his death by killing him at his hands.

• After this, Maharishi Medha while describing the influence of Adishakti Devi said that once the Gods and Asuras fought for a hundred years. The lord of the gods was Indra and the Mahishasura of the Asuras. Mahishasura defeated Indra and became Indra himself. The defeated gods reached Lord Shankar and Lord Vishnu. He prayed for a remedy for the slaughter of Mahishasura by saying Aapbeeti. Lord Shankar and Lord Vishnu were very angry with the demons. There, there appeared to be a lot faster than the bodies of Lord Shankar and Vishnu and the gods. The directions brightened up. Tej gathered and took the form of a woman. The gods worshiped him and offered him their ordnance and ornaments.

• The goddess chanted loudly, causing a stir in the world. The earth started shaking. The mountains started moving. The troops of the demons rose up equipped. Mahishasura rose like a wrenching arrow towards the battle cry of the goddess, including the demon army. He attacked the goddess who illuminated the three worlds with his brilliance and was killed at the hands of the goddess. The same Goddess then appeared from the body of Gauri Devi to kill Shumbha and Nishumbha.

• The servants of Shumbha and Nishumbh, seeing the beautiful form Bhagwati, asked Swami to accept this Goddess with a divine ear that illuminated the Himalayas. Because all the gems are beautiful in your own house. It is important to have this Kalyanamayi Devi in ​​the form of a female gemstone. Daityaraja Shumbha sent marriage proposal to Bhagwati. Devi rejected the proposal and ordered that I will remember the one who wins me in the war. Enraged, Shumbha sent Dhumalochan with the aim of capturing Bhagwati. The goddess devoured him with his cry and Singh, the vehicle of the goddess, killed the remaining demons. After this, Chand-mund went to Devi with the same purpose. Seeing the demon army, the goddess, wearing the form of Vikral, broke down on them. Chand-mund also took his sword to death with the pronunciation of the word ‘Hoon’.

• Shumbha became angry upon hearing the destruction of the demon army and soldiers. He ordered the rest of the entire monster army to march. Seeing the army coming, the goddess made the earth and sky resonate with the bow. The army of demons surrounded Chandika, Singh and Kali Devi from time to time. Meanwhile, in order to protect the demons and the demons, the powers of all the gods came out of their bodies and presented themselves to fight with the demons, adorned with armaments. Mahadev ji, the goddess of power, ordered Chandika to kill these demons soon to my delight. On hearing this, terrible and fierce Chandika Shakti was produced from the body of the Goddess. Aparajit Devi sent a message to the demons through Mahadev ji that if you want to survive, then return to the Hades and let the Indra gods worship heaven and yagya otherwise you will be killed by me in the war. When were the demons supposed to obey. War broke out. The Goddess cut off the weapons of the demons by bowing with a bow.

•When many demons were defeated, Mahaditya said so, Chandika hit the bloodbus with a shul and Kali took her blood in her mouth. The bloodbeds got angry and attacked the goddess with mace, but the goddess did not suffer anything from it. In due course, the goddess killed the weapons of blood by showering them. Pleased, the gods started dancing. On receiving the news of the slaughter of blood seeds, the anger of Shumbh-Nishumbh is not limited. Taking the main army of demons, he went to face the demoralized superpower. Mahaprakrami Shumbh also came to battle with his army. The monster was killed fighting. There was peace in the world and the gods started praising the Goddess in delight.

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