Naag Devata Kee Pooja Kaise Karen

Naag Devata Kee Pooja Kaise Karen

(नाग देवता की पूजा कैसे करें)

● In Hinduism, snakes have been viewed as respected. In this manner, the celebration of Nag Panchami additionally has incredible importance. On this event, individuals additionally love living snakes as the agent of the snake god. It is accepted that the love of snakes brings endowments of the snake divine beings. Which stops all the issues of life. This celebration is commended on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Shravan month. In Hinduism, the snake is viewed as the accessory of Shiva Shankar and the bed of Sri Hari Vishnu, the adherent of creation. It is accepted that Bhole Baba and Vishnu are satisfied with the love of snakes. There is a law on Nagpanchami to adore Vasuki Nag, Takshak Nag and Sheshnag. Aside from this, snakes likewise have a profound association with individuals’ lives. In the long stretch of Sawan, it downpours, because of which snakes emerge starting from the earliest stage in such a circumstance, it is accepted that if the Nag Devta is taken care of and adored, they don’t hurt anybody. Aside from this, the day of Nagpanchami is additionally viewed as imperative to eliminate horoscope abandons.

● Puja Vidhi –

• Clean the house toward the beginning of the day on Nag Panchami and make a snake with cow excrement close to the entryway of the house. From that point onward, make a vow of fasting in your brain and call them to sit. Love the Nag Devta with love by offering sandalwood, blossoms and water. Make panchamrit by blending sugar, nectar, milk, curd and ghee in the house and afterward wash the symbol of the snake god. In the wake of offering a shower, you can offer laddoos and malpuas as prasad. In the wake of offering bhog, offer aarti by offering occasional leafy foods leaves. On the night of Nag Panchami, love the snake god and take the organic product.

● Mantra-

– (“Om kurukulye hoon fat swaha”)

● Story –

• A worker family lived in a state. The rancher had two children and a little girl. At some point while furrow, three of Nag’s kids from the furrow passed on in the wake of being squashed. The snake continued grieving from the start, at that point he made plans to retaliate for his kid’s executioner. In the murkiness of the evening, the snake chomped the rancher, his significant other and the two young men. The following day toward the beginning of the day, the snake again went to the rancher’s little girl to slam, at that point the rancher young lady put a full bowl of milk before him. Hands collapsed and began saying ‘sorry’ The snake cheered, restoring his folks and the two siblings. That day was Shravan Shukla Panchami. From that point forward, snakes are adored on this day to evade the fury of the snakes.

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