Mahakavi Kalidas Ka Jevan Parichay

Mahakavi Kalidas Ka Jevan Parichay

(महाकवि कालिदास का जीवन परिचय)

• Full Name – Mahakavi Kalidas

• Birth – 150 BC

• Birthplace – Uttar Pradesh

• Wife – Vidyotma

• Karma Kshetra – Sanskrit Poet

● Life introduction –

• There are many opinions regarding the life of Kalidas, but according to the one who is given the highest priority, Kalidas was born in 150 BCE and its place of birth is considered to be Uttar Pradesh.

• It is believed that Kalidas was initially illiterate and some pundits who were defeated by the most learned princess Vidyotma in debate, got married to Kalidas to take revenge on the princess.

• After finding out the truth, the princess felt very sad, after which Kalidas resolved to get knowledge and left home and went to study and came back home only after becoming a scholar.

• Only two epics of Kalidas ji are available, but these two epics on “Raghuvansh” and “Kumarasambhava” are sufficient to hoist the flag of his fame, Kalidas ji’s composition “Meghdoot” is the best in poetry.

• The Saras language used in Meghdoot is an expression of love and rebellion, the imagery of nature enchants the readers, Meghdoot has also been translated in many languages, their nightly destruction is written for nature every season. .

• Mahakavi Kalidas has been ranked among the best writers of the world, not only in India, but he has made a special identity by showcasing his amazing compositions in the fields of drama, epic and lyricism.

• There are about 40 compositions of Kalidas ji, small and big, which have been tried by different scholars to prove that Kalidas has composed, out of which only 7 such works are considered to be Kalidas without any dispute.

● Kalidasa’s compositions-

• As we told you above, there are only 7 such compositions which are believed to be composed by Kalidas.

1 – Abhigyanasakuntalam

2 – Vikramoryavashiyam

3 – Malvikagnimitra

4 – Raghuvansham

5 – Kumarasambhavaam

6 – Meghdoot

7 – Season

● Highlights of Kalidas ji’s compositions –

• Kalidas ji used simple and melodious language in his compositions.

• Shringar Rasa has also been described very well in his compositions.

• Kavi Kalidas ji has also explained the seasons in his works, which is commendable.

•Music was a major part of Kavi Kalidas’s literature.

•Kalidas ji used to take care of idealistic tradition and moral values ​​in his works.

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