Rudraksh Kee Utpati||रुद्राक्ष की उत्पत्ति

Rudraksh Kee Utpati

( रुद्राक्ष की उत्पत्ति )

• Lord Shiva has told the story of Rudraksha origin to Parvati. At one time Lord Shiva attained samadhi for a thousand years. Mahadev, who wished for the welfare of the world, closed his eyes when his mind came to the outer world due to derivation from samadhi. Then the points of water fell from their eyes to the earth. It is from this that trees of Rudraksha were born and they spread throughout the country for the benefit of the devotees with the wish of Shiva.

• Antipyretic, curative, beneficial and enjoyment salvation. Just like Rudraksh, Bhadraksh also happened. Rudraksha are white, red, yellow and black. Brahmins Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras should wear only in the order of white etc. Rudraksh is fruitful. The smaller the Rudraksh, the more fruitful they are.

• By wearing the rosary of Rudraksha, sins and diseases are destroyed. Wearing different number of Rudraksh in different organs is beneficial. A person chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivaya’ by wearing Bhasma, Rudraksha becomes Shiva.

•Seeing the incinerated Rudraksha being a human being, ghosts run away, the gods run nearby, with both Lakshmi and Saraswati residing permanently, Vishnu and other gods are happy. Therefore all Shaiva Vaishnavas should wear Rudraksha from the rule.

• The mouth of Rudraksh is considered to be round, smooth, strongly prickly and finely lined with a fine line straight from one hole to the other. In which the hole is spontaneously generated, it is perfect. A straight line from one side hole to the other is considered as the same face.

• One line rudraksh is a mukhi which is shirupa. He gives liberation. Parvati, a two-faced Shiva, is the form, which gives the desired fruit. The three faced Rudraksha is the trinity form which gives learning, the four face is Brahmarupa, which gives quadruple fruit. Panchamukhi Rudraksh is the Panchmukh Shirup, which destroys all sins. The six-faced Rudragyaksha is the self-righteous form, which destroys enemies, is a sinner. Seven Mukhi is Kamde Swaroop, which provides wealth. Nine Mukhi Kapil is a form of new form and newly fortified, which makes a man Sarveshvara. Dashmukhi is the Vishnu form, which fulfills the desire. Eleven Mukhi Ekadash is Rudraparupa, who makes it victorious. Twelve Mukhi Dwadash is the Aditya form, which publishes. Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha is Vishwaroopa, who gives good fortune, and fourteen Mukhi is the supreme form, which gives peace by holding. These tell Rudraksh from one to fourteen mouths.

• Shiva Purana has given mantras to wear them.

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