Ram Katha Ka Rahasy||राम कथा का रहस्य

Ram Katha Ka Rahasy

राम कथा का रहस्य

● Hari Anant, Hari Katha Ananta.  The story of Sri Rama was first written by Hanumanji and then by Maharishi Valmiki.  Valmiki was a sage of Rama’s time.  He saw Rama and his life.  He knew very well what Ram was and who but Narada Muni helped him when it came to writing questions.

  ● Thousands of stories related to Rama came into vogue and all, with some minor changes in the story of Rama, there are some incidents in some Ramayana which are not mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana.

  ● After Valmiki wrote, South Indian people wrote differently.importance in the lives of South Indian people.  Rama formed his army in Karnataka

  ● The difference seen in Ramayana is because Valmiki Ramayana was written based on facts and events, while other Ramayana was written based on Shruti.  The way Buddha narrated the Ramakatha to his disciples, recounting the accounts of his past lives, Tulsidas was told by his guru a long time later in the Soron region.

  ● The influence of Ramayana and their influence in South Asia for the last 2500 or so years is very wide.  You will get tired of making a list of languages ​​in which Ramkatha is found – Annami, Bali, Bangla, Cambodian, Chinese, Gujarati, Jawai, Kannada, Kashmiri, Khotani, Laosi, Malaysian, Marathi, Odia, Prakrit, Sanskrit Santhali, Sinhala,  Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, etc., translated into Charit Ramayana in thousands of languages ​​during that period, and then Krishna period, Buddhist period.

  ● Poets and litterateurs did not tamper with the original story to make the Ramayana more interesting, but they embellished the story with a different look  Tales were also written according to dance-drama

  ● Due to this journey of centuries, people forget to consider it only poetry.  The war between Rama and Ravana was taken in various contexts in South and South-East Asian countries and cultures.  Ravana had great fame and honor in the island countries of South India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mali.

  ● The story of Shri Ram was narrated by Lord Sri Shankar to Mata Parvatiji. story was also heard by a crow.  The same crow was reborn as Kagbhusundi  listened with the face of Lord Shankar in his previous life, he had full memory of Ramkatha Puri.  He told this story to his disciples.  In this way, the Ramakatha preached.

  ● There is a narrative and comprehensiveness.  The first Ramakatha was written by Hanumanji and that too on Shila. Ramkatha was written before Valmiki Ramayana.

  ● Valmiki Ramayana is paramount in Ramkatha written after Vedic literature.  This is the story of this kalpa and it is authentic.  Valmikiji himself has seen or heard the incident cycle related to Rama in his lifetime, so his Ramayana is very close to the truth.

  ● The amazing Ramayana is a special poem of 27 cantonments composed in Sanskrit language.  The author of this book was also Valmiki.  But according to researchers, its language and composition suggest that it has been practiced by a much later poet.

  ● Currently this Ramayana is in vogue –

  • Adhyatma Ramayana
  • Valmiki’s Ramayana
  • Anand Ramayana,
  • Amazing Ramayana ‘
  • Ranganath Ramayana
  • Molda Ramayana was composed by poetess Molda
  • Ruipdakatnapadi Ramayana
  • Ramkar
  • Tulsidas’s ‘Ramcharit Manas’
  • Kamban’s ‘Irmavataram’
  • ‘Janaki Haran’ by Kumar Das
  • Malraj Kathav
  • Kinsor-Ponspa’s poem
  • Ramayana Kakavin
  • Hikayat Seriram
  • Ramavathu
  • Ramkarti-Ramkare
  • Terano Yasuori’s ‘Hobutshu’
  • Frulak-Ramjatak
  • Pandit Ramayana
  • Amazing Ramayana,
  • Ramkin
  • Khotani Ramayana
  • Jeevak Jataka
  • Christian Ramayana
  • Sheikh Saad
  • Mahaldia Laban
  • Dashrath Kathanam

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