Bhagy Badalane Valee Pakshe||भाग्य बदलने वाली पक्षी

Bhagy Badalane Valee Pakshe

( भाग्य बदलने वाली पक्षी )

● Man’s life is affected by the environment around him.  The animal bird around the person is an integral part of his life.  Indian sages and spiritualists of the world have not only connected the birds of the world with astrology and the fate of man.  Rather, birds have been used in Shakuna astrology, fruit and question astrology and many astrology, tantric remedies and prevention of physical mental diseases.  In India, prediction by parrot based on Panch Paksha Shastra, Kalli Purana, bird system and Shakuna astrology have been used since time immemorial in India.  Gods and Goddesses describe the use of birds as vehicles.  Such as Garuda of Lord Vishnu, Kartakeya ji’s Peacock, Mother Lakshmi’s owl, Vishwakarma, Varun ji and Swarasati ji’s swan etc. Shani Dev’s crow etc. In ancient times, the service of postal service war was also used by birds.  , Is considered a symbol of new ideas, pleasure, tension, liberation, praise, fame, thanksgiving, fertility, mental and soul journey and inspiration.  Birds and their wings are believed to be associated with God.  The wings are considered to be the message of God.  In 2005, I saw a torn book of Tibetan Yunani Hakimi method near a junk near City Station, Lucknow, which described the treatment of all diseases by the meat of various birds.  Colonel Henry William Sleeman, the famous ninth century thug eradication in India, told the thugs that he used to think of animal birds before the thugs campaign.  Is described in  In the article presented, important Shakun and astrological beliefs prevailing about birds in the world and the remedies for various problems of human life will be described by them.

• If the bird makes a nest in your house or near the house, then it is a sign of good luck.  There will be some good news or opportunity for advancement in the future.

• The bird is considered to be a protector and protector.  Crows are considered to be the message bearers of God.

• If a bird sits on the head, you will suddenly get money.

• The arrival of bats in the house is a disease or morbidity near the house is an indicator of death, but the habitat of bats in the building will cause death-like pain, but the Chinese consider them to be auspicious and heavy money.

• The behavior of a bird near the house determines the events that occur in the house.

• The arrival or speaking of owls at or near home is considered to be inauspicious.

• The crow or black bird gives auspicious journey, auspicious event and protection.  The eagle destroys eye diseases, the chirping bird accomplishes a difficult goal.

● Feathering –

• If you find any wings in the road or in any of the lanes, gardens, fields, gardens.  Pick it up immediately because it tells the following things.

• Some dear person or something wants to meet us.  Someone warns that your loved one who has passed away may suddenly find a lost item or separated person.  That you need introspection and introspection.  You are failing because of some shortcomings.  You need to relax, release tension, relish pleasure and seriousness.  You should express and express gratitude to the world for the auspicious events happening in your life and for helping the world.

● Death Shakun-

• Owl speaking at home is a death sign.  In the evening, if an owl is uttered on a tree outside the house, then a friend or relative will die in a year.

• A white bird, crow hitting the window at night is a sign of death of a family.  A pigeon hitting the window is an indicator of the death of a family.

• The appearance of six crow together is also a death indicator.

• Batting at home is predictive of the death of someone who arrives.  Leave the house immediately or kill the bats immediately before they fly. Everything will come to a standstill.

• The arrival of the bird in the patient’s room and sitting near the bed is a death indicator.

• Two wild pigeons appearing on the tree are death indicators.

• If the woodpecker is knocking on the door, there will be death in the house.

● Feather treatment-

• Morpunk famine destroys death.  If found lying suddenly, it is very auspicious.

• The meeting of the black feather is a warning of safety, warning, advancement, intellectual development, spiritual initiation, auspicious power.  An angel is securing your power.

• The green feather gives success, wealth, immunity, prosperity, geographical, botanical spirit.

• Yellow gives bliss, happiness, mental energy and caution, intelligence. you are on the right track.

• Blue, Peace Motivation, Psychological Awakening, Spiritual Relation
Lal is fortunate, spirit, courage wealth protection love, mental powers dormant.

• Work according to the voice of the mind. White protection, hope, purity, faith, devadat or the Holy Spirit, the saint soul, is near.  Gives spirituality.

• Silty, peace and apathy, neutrality, lies of life, deceit is full of hypocrisy.

• Peace is coming.

• Pink selfless unconditional love, inspiration, respect, loyalty, balanced behavior synergy, caring kindness, Romance or vatsalya love, love, energy, change, change, optimism, success, new ideas, creativity, physical love sex Purple Worldwide Consciousness, Higher Spiritual Development Spiritual Relationship

• Brown respect, stability, friendliness, home, permanent residence, early education, patience, tolerance, continuity, endurance
Particular importance of birds has been given in Indian Tantra Shastra.

• Crow is considered very special in them.  By understanding the signs of the crow, the old knowledgeers had decided many ominous ominations, in the Indian scriptures, three lives have been given special importance for the peace of the fathers.

• Without giving them grass in cow, dog and crow shraddha, the fathers do not get satisfaction and they do not get the fruit of shraddh.

● Effective legislation of peace –

• In Tantra Shastra, there is a unique law of peace.

• The one who sacrifices the crow is freed from the terrible sins of the seven lands.

• The legislation of Kak Bali is very simple but effective.  Put some things for the crow’s food in an iron pot at night and wake up in the morning and first of all, you should feed this food to the crows. It should contain puri, paratha, roti, rice and everything. Start this legislation from the new moon and keep doing twelve months.  .  This remedy gives freedom from disease, crisis, misfortune, poverty.

• This remedy gives relief from the sufferings of Sati Sati and Saturn two and a half.

• Remedy of disease – The place where the crow drinks water and sprinkles it on the patient gets rid of the disease.

• It is considered very auspicious to see Neelkanth while traveling.

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